Here’s what you need to know about tonsil stones – the weird pimple-like growths in your throat

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The internet is so vast and has such a wide worldwide reach that it is never difficult to find online stuff that shocks, stuns, marvels, or disgusts people.

With the emergence of social media platforms, sharing images and videos on a global scale has never been easier. As a result, patterns emerge periodically in which waves of comparable content appear to be released at a particular time.

The popularity of information on the internet that has to do with our bodies and all the strange, amazing, and interesting things they can accomplish definitely shouldn’t come as a surprise. Videos of people popping pimples (gross!), draining cysts (double nasty!), and extracting earwax are probably all too familiar to you.

However, are you familiar with tonsil stones? Since I hadn’t, I opted to do what I do best after seeing a video on the topic. I’ll give you the details, you nice people.

I freely acknowledge my intense curiosity on everything pertaining to the human body. Although I don’t believe they’re really entertaining to watch, I was captivated by the viral sensation that is the so-called “pimple popping” films.

That being stated, I wasn’t entirely sure what to anticipate when I stumbled into a relevant video about the removal of “tonsil stones.”

I should probably explain what tonsil stones are in detail first. I had never seen one before, much less heard about them. Maybe I’m the only one who knows about them; maybe all of you readers out there do too. Nevertheless, perhaps not.

Tonsil stones are hard, white or yellow structures that grow on the tonsils, according to the Mayo Clinic. They are typically treatable at home with natural therapies, and they are neither unpleasant nor hazardous.

The primary causes of tonsil stones are debris and trapped materials in the tonsillar crypts, which are found in the tonsils, yes, those oval-shaped flaps of tissue at the back of your throat that battle infections. This can include food or detritus, bacteria and fungi, or even minerals like calcium.

Tonsil stones are more common than one may imagine, even though symptoms aren’t always present. When they occur, among other things, the symptoms may include sore throats, coughs, earaches, and poor breath.

Three million Americans are reportedly affected by tonsil stones annually, but thankfully, having them removed is a rather straightforward procedure. In reality, they may be removed at home using a number of techniques, such as gargling with salt water and using a delicate item, such a cotton swab.

Furthermore, the stones might really be brought up and loosen by simply coughing vigorously.

We may observe someone getting a tonsil stone removed in the highly viewed video below.Caution! It’s quite graphic!

Are you aware that tonsil stones exist? Have you previously had one experience? Tell us in the comments below.

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