Your initial reaction may be to take your dog to the veterinarian right away if you see red, angry-looking circles on their tummy, and that is totally normal.
However, it turns out that these bites may not be as frightening as they first appear.
Recently, the Morinville Veterinary Clinic in Alberta, Canada, addressed a common pet owner issue on their Facebook page with some comforting news.
It turns out that fly bites may be the cause of the red spots on your dog’s stomach.
The clinic wrote on social media, “We are receiving an increasing number of calls regarding red bites on your dog’s stomach.”
Dogs typically contract this kind of fly bite while lying in the grass. Although they appear awful, dogs typically don’t mind them. They don’t need any therapy and recover swiftly on their own. Every spring, these fly often appear for a few weeks before disappearing. We hope that any concerns you may have had over your own dog are allayed by this!
This time, it was merely a heads-up or warning to avoid overreacting and wasting resources or vet fees.
Pet owners shared their own experiences of discovering similar bites on their dogs on Facebook as soon as the post went popular. Knowing they didn’t have to go to the vet right away and save money was a relief to many.
I appreciate the information. One user wrote, “I was just getting ready to run out to the vet and spend a good $200 I really don’t have.
What precisely produces these unsightly bite marks, then? Black flies, which are prevalent throughout North America, particularly in the northern regions, appear to be the blame.
According to American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) spokesperson Michael San Filippo, “these seem to be bites from black flies, which are widely spread across North America, particularly the northern latitudes.”
“While dog bites from these flies are typically not harmful, we would advise pet owners to be cautious when ignoring or downplaying these bites because there may be other causes that could result in similar markings that indicate a greater threat to our pets.”
Even while black fly bites are usually not dangerous, it’s crucial to pay attention to any changes in your pet’s behavior or skin.
Experts at the clinic caution that similar bite marks may be the result of allergic reactions or other pests. It’s wise to speak with your veterinarian if you have any concerns or observe anything unusual.
“You should speak with your veterinarian about any strange bites, injuries, or behaviors,” San Filippo suggested. “There are several things to think about, including the age, health, and medical history of your pet, as well as the particular health risks that your pets face in your area.”
The most important lesson? Although fly bites can appear frightening, they are usually not harmful and go away on their own. But as usual, if you’re ever unsure, follow your gut and see an expert!