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Pay Attention to Your Body’s Warning Signs
Our bodies constantly communicate information about our health. They send signals to alert us when there are issues. Here are eight bodily indicators you
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Woman has a leech stuck in her nose for months after washing her face in a mountain stream
a A woman in China was shocked to discover she had a leech stuck in her nose for months. The woman finally went to the hospital in Shenwan with a 10-day-long
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The Risks of Ignoring Fungal Infections
Neglecting toenail fungus, formally known as onychomycosis, can lead to severe health consequences, warns Dr. Peter Joseph, a podiatrist at Allegheny Health Network.
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9 Health Side Effects Of Overconsuming Sugar
If you are a sweets lover, this is for you! I might be one myself, though… Let’s get through this together. Do you know that feeling when you give the
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Leaving Hollywood for her starry-eyed megastar, Bond Girl Barbara Bach finds that Love is all you Need
Barbara Bach, who played Bond girl Triple X, wasn’t needing to be rescued from the spy who loved her. Instead she was looking for her knight in shining
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Mother took this photo of her daughter at the park and posted it on Facebook. When friends and relatives saw the picture they got extremely worried.
The picture, which depicts the young girl posing in a park with her hands in front of her waist, left many perplexed. The girl’s legs appear abnormally
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My Mother-in-Law Moved in with Us after Her House Flooded – I Was Stunned When I Overheard Her Real Reason
When my mother-in-law moved into our home without warning, I thought it was just about a plumbing issue. Turns out, she had another mission.
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Girl Finds Weird Eggs Under Her Bed, Then Her Family Has To Evacuate The House
When Lily discovered the eggs under her bed, she was both fascinated and alarmed. She was unaware of where they came from or what they were.
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Woman Called to School for Her Son’s Bad Behavior & Is Left Speechless upon Seeing Who His Teacher Is
Molly’s life had been difficult, and her primary concern was Tommy, her son. It was wearing him down to have to move towns and schools all the time.
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RIP LEGEND. The whole country is mourning the passing.
During his more than 60-year career with the Warriors, Attles set a lot of amazing records. The Golden State Warriors paid a moving tribute to Alvin Attles