The well-known Hollywood actor Chris Noth has disappeared from view. After getting entangled in a sex incident a few years ago, he maintained a low profile. The Hollywood Reporter claims that the actor was also reminded of his alleged 1990s beating up of a model, and that two women each accused him of rape. Noth refuted the accusations, calling them untrue. But he did cease to show up in elite society.

The actor, who portrayed Carrie Bradshaw’s main character, Mr. Big in the iconic series “Sex and the City,” was not even chosen for a follow-up role.

The character was supposed to “die” by having a heart attack, but the writers decided against it.

The artist hasn’t been photographed much since, unless paparazzi happen to discover him out and about shopping or on walks.

Nothing of the once-beautiful man is visible in the last of these photos; Chris has gained weight, significantly aged, grayed, and wrinkled. He now strolls down the street in clothing that are filthy and sweaty.

He is 68 years old today, and it seems like he has lost all memory of self-care.