10 CANCER-Causing Foods, You Should Never Put in Your Mouth Again!

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According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, “about one third of the most common US cancers are
preventable through a healthy diet.” This highlights the importance of avoiding certain foods linked to increased
cancer risk. Here are ten such foods:


1. Processed Meats: Linked to cancer and cardiovascular disease. Limiting intake could prevent premature deaths.

2. BPA-Lined Cans: BPA, used in plastics and can linings, is associated with cancer and other health issues.

3. Cured and Smoked Foods: Contain nitrites and nitrates, which can form cancer-causing compounds when


4. Microwave Popcorn: The bag lining, containing PFOA, is linked to various cancers.

5. GMOs: Some genetically modified foods, treated with herbicides, may increase cancer risk.

6. Sugar: High sugar diets are linked to an increased risk of certain cancers.

7. Hydrogenated Oils: These are linked to a doubled risk of breast cancer.

8. Sodas: High in sugar and artificial ingredients, linked to increased cancer risk.

9. Soy Protein Isolate: Most U.S.-grown soybeans are genetically modified and may promote cancer development.

10. White Flour: Treated with chemicals and linked to lung cancer ris

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