The birth of a child is always an amazing and unique event for the parents. Nonetheless, some births are marginally more unusual than others.
The couple in this story has always known that they want to have children.
They learned they would soon become parents not long after getting married. They were unable to foresee, nevertheless, that their mission would be extraordinarily uncommon.
Two years before their wedding, Bethani and Tim Webb from Hythe, Alberta, got together.
After three months, Bethany became pregnant, and another three months later, the couple had their first ultrasound.

After getting married in northwest Alberta last June, Tim and Bethani Webb, pictured in a handout photo, were overjoyed to find they were expecting a child. They have since learned that they are expecting identical quadruplet daughters, which is a once in 67 million chance.The Huffington Post/Canada
But when the prospective parents and the doctor saw the image on the screen, they were both shocked.
In the woman’s womb, there were four identical girls; the likelihood of this happening one in 15 million times.

“I couldn’t believe it, I was surprised,” acknowledges Bethany. Honestly, I thought the doctor was joking.
I was stunned. The mother underwent a cesarean section at 33 weeks into her pregnancy and gave birth to four healthy girls, named Abigail, McKayla, Grace, and Emily. The fact that none of the new parents had twins growing up and that the babies were conceived naturally rather than via in vitro fertilization makes this even more uncommon.

Parents could not figure out how to tell their identical daughters apart, so they came up with a creative solution: they painted their toes different colors. Both parents feel very lucky, but they admit that it can be difficult at times.