There was an odd incident on a bus. It was a normal day, the bus was full, and the driver was driving along silently.
After seeing something odd on the driver’s clothing, one of the other passengers looked closer and saw many insects crawling all over the driver’s ears and neck. The man could not believe there were hundreds of them.
He started filming the entire thing, and then he uploaded the video to Facebook. The passenger who captured the incident on camera, Primo Onipa, claimed in a Facebook post that the insects were lice and that he was so angry and repulsed by what had happened that he decided to humiliate the bus driver.

Internet users were outraged when they saw the video on Facebook and said that a man with lice shouldn’t be in control of a bus that is carrying a lot of people.
Lice are tiny insects that feed on blood and reside on the scalp. They spit saliva into the skin when eating, which irritates it.
The louse is gray-brown in color and about the size of a sesame seed. Owing to the ideal temperature conditions, the female secretes a substance that guarantees the eggs’ adhesion to the hair; the eggs are anchored within 3-5 millimeters of the hair’s base.It commonly affects the area behind the ears and in the occipital region of the neck; itching may not be felt in the early stages of the sickness. Scratching the wounds increases the risk of superinfection.
Lice are small and fast moving, making them difficult to see. But eventually, by applying sticky tape to the affected area, they can be “caught.”

One’s self-esteem and self-image suffer when they have lice, which is one of the worst parasites for humans.
Experts claim that lice are not a sign of destitution or poor personal hygiene. Even the cleanest of persons can have lice. The primary problem is that they are contagious and can spread a variety of diseases.
Look at the pictures of the bus driver, who is covered with hundreds of lice: