Romanian Adriana Iliescu made news throughout the world when she gave birth at age 66. Many questioned Adriana’s choice and whether it was truly altruistic, but she was finally content with having her child.
Eliza was born in 2005, and word of her birth quickly spread over the world. Adriana proved that there is always time to follow your goals and that anything is achievable with the support of those around you, despite criticism for her advanced age.
Her experience inspires those who have been told they are too old to do anything by showing that goals may be attained at any age.

In 2010, Eliza’s mother came clean about all the insults she endured when she was five. She spoke with assurance, saying that she didn’t care what people thought of her appearance because she still felt young and energetic.
She reasoned that she wouldn’t have to worry about other people’s opinions if she could compete with ladies half her age in terms of health and vigor.
Eliza’s presence in her life made it simpler than ever for her to maintain her youth, despite attempts to make light of the situation by calling her a grandma.

Adriana made news when she revealed her wish for a second child at the age of 71. Although many people would consider this to be an impossible achievement, modern medicine has made it possible. Because a 70-year-old woman in England is already receiving fertility treatment, Adriana is optimistic that it will be successful.
Eliza, Adriana’s daughter, is extremely proud of her mother’s aspirations and does not see her parents’ advanced age to be unusual in any way.
After all, even if Adriana lives as long as her parents did, Eliza can still anticipate spending a lot of time with her mother because to Adriana’s healthy lifestyle choices, such as not drinking or smoking.
After losing her child and husband while she was young, Adriana’s life underwent a tremendous transformation. After that, she gave her career her complete attention, eventually rising to the position of professor at a university in Bucharest.
Her friends and relatives thought she was crazy when she decided to have a child in her late thirties, mostly since there were no IVF procedures available at the time. Dr. Bogdan Marinescu’s aid allowed Adriana to conceive triplets.

Two of the children tragically passed away, but Eliza was born healthy and is now 17 years old. Eliza is a good student and has similar academic success to her mother.
Adriana, Eliza’s mother, insisted on having her baptized as a kid. Sadly, the nuns rejected the idea and even claimed that the girl was a creation of evil forces. Adriana, though, was adamant that her daughter was a gift from God.

Adriana is currently 83 years old and writes children’s books in addition to working part-time as a lecturer. She made a deal with the IVF surgeon that if she passed away, he would take over as Eliza’s legal guardian.