Men are occasionally left perplexed by the assortment of devices women utilize for daily maintenance. Many posts you come across have a picture of a typical everyday item for women in the text and ask men to identify it.
This appears to be one of those cases where a lot of people were left in disbelief, unable to identify the device. If you want to laugh out loud and have your curiosity finally satisfied, keep reading.
A Reddit member was left scratching their head after discovering an odd-looking device. The consumer was unsure about the product’s potential applications.
The only indication they had was that the object was stamped “Decathlon,” which suggested it had anything to do with physical activity or sports.
The user begged for answers in a Reddit forum post. “My mind is in the gutter drawing blanks,” they wrote. The user looked to social media for assistance after being unable to come up with an explanation for what the product did.

Their curiosity was quickly piqued after they shared a photo of the odd gadget when an informed person responded to the initial query and revealed what it was!
It was an easy-to-use abdominal exerciser! It’s described as a compact ab workout online. So, how does using this gadget aid in your abdominal workout? It’s very easy. In order to avoid putting undue strain on your neck during your ab workout, the device was made to assist you in correcting your posture.

This device is ideal for anyone who experiences tension in their neck during crunches; it prevents your neck muscles from working too hard and becoming strained or cramped. For those who exercise at home using just their own body weight, this gadget is ideal! Basically, you grip the two handles on either side, put the remaining portion behind your head, and perform standard ab crunches.
Many individuals were perplexed by the device’s picture. Furthermore, it’s hard to comprehend the intended use of the product simply by gazing at the picture!
This is such a straightforward explanation for something that was made far too complex! How do you feel about this gadget? Tell us in the comments below. Show off this clever product to your friends and see if they can guess what it’s meant for!